Meet Our Valued Producer
The Magisa rice mill is a young enterprise in Calabria Italy with 250 hectares of rice fields and a factory. It all started when farmers, technicians, and owners of paddy fields alike came together to change the way rice was produced and sold in Italy. The goal was simple: to enhance the sensory qualities of the rice produced in the Plains of Sibari through an artisan system of processing that maintains tradition, but more importantly, does not alter the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the product.
Founded in 2004 through the passion and desire of five men, Magisa became operative in 2006 and has been producing high quality rice ever since. Magisa controls the entire production process from planting to packaging. There are no insecticides or pesticides used as the microclimate does not allow for any fungal diseases. The rice is worked at a low speed and not polished, both of which help to maintain the nutritional values. They use modern technology while respecting the natural process allowing them to produce a rice of excellent quality.
In Italian lowland areas such as the plains of Sibari, a natural phenomena called the Occhi di Mare occurs. The formation of sinkholes from eroding rock under the earth’s surface, plays an incredible part in the production of rice. These small holes fill up with sea water and it is the combination of this with the mountain spring water used to flood the fields during the sowing that creates a tremendously fertile soil for the rice to grow in.
Founded in 2004 through the passion and desire of five men, Magisa became operative in 2006 and has been producing high quality rice ever since. Magisa controls the entire production process from planting to packaging. There are no insecticides or pesticides used as the microclimate does not allow for any fungal diseases. The rice is worked at a low speed and not polished, both of which help to maintain the nutritional values. They use modern technology while respecting the natural process allowing them to produce a rice of excellent quality.
In Italian lowland areas such as the plains of Sibari, a natural phenomena called the Occhi di Mare occurs. The formation of sinkholes from eroding rock under the earth’s surface, plays an incredible part in the production of rice. These small holes fill up with sea water and it is the combination of this with the mountain spring water used to flood the fields during the sowing that creates a tremendously fertile soil for the rice to grow in.